The journey of a new nurse, an amateur photographer, and a youth pastor’s wife.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Radical Experiment Day 1

I am excited to join my church in the Radical Experiment based on the book by David Platt. The Radical Experiment is a year-long journey that includes these five components:

Pray for the entire world.
Using a prayer guide, such as Operation World, pray for the entire world over the course of a year.

Read through the entire word.
Using a chronological Bible Reading plan, read through the entire Bible.

Commit your life to multiplying community.
Commit yourself wholeheartedly to the local church. But even deeper than that, commit yourself to a small group within your faith family that is intentionally sharing, showing, and teaching the Word while serving the world together.

Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose.
For the next year, take a close look at all of your expenses as individuals and families through the lens of specific need in the world. Work to set a cap on your lifestyle so that you can free up as much of your resources as possible for the sake of the glory of Christ in His church, among the lost, and among the poor.

Spend your time in another context.
As you give the majority of your time to making disciples in your community, commit, as individuals and families, to give 2% (one week) of your time in Gospel ministry outside of your community for the sake of God’s glory in all the world.

Today is Day 1.

Pray for the world :: Afghanistan ::
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Population: 29,117,489 Annual Growth: 3.51%
Capital: Kabul Largest Religion: M
Religion Pop % Ann Gr
Christians 14,559 0.05 14.6
Muslim 29,074,395 99.85

Read through the word:: Gen1-2, Matthew 1-2, Psalms 1, Proverbs 1

Friday, January 21, 2011

I know, I know, I'm a bad blogger. Sorry. A lot has been going on; we have been staying pretty busy around here.

Church: We continue to be amazed by what God is doing at our church. We love our North Ridge family, and I am so thankful that Brad is able to do what he loves full time!

Work: I love being a nurse! Some days are crazy. Some days are so crazy, I cry on the way home. Some days I feel like I am dealing with most selfish, ignorant, or stubborn patients in the world. Some days I can go in to one patient's room and they tell me that they hate our hospital, and they think I am being difficult or slow or complicated, and that I look too young to be a real nurse. Then I can go into the very next room and my patient will tell me they have gotten the best care, and that they feel loved at our hospital, and that I am the nicest nurse they've ever had. I just try to tell myself that I'll never make all my patients happy. But I can try. I can try to nicely explain [for the 9th time] that going out to smoke while your blood sugar is 37 is not a good idea. I can agree with your delusions to keep from arguing. I can try my best to hit your vein on the first time, I don't stick my patients with needles for the fun of it. I may forget to get your coffee with 7 sugars and 3 creams because I have 3 other patients asking for a mountain dew, peanut butter and crackers, Jello, a new pair of socks, and a calling card, and I have one patient having a heart attack and he trumps my waitress duties. I know you hate hospital food, but it is 4:15 and I haven't eaten lunch. At the end of the day, I just have to tell myself that I did everything I could and that I truly love helping people...and that I can never make everyone happy. One day, I'll be ok with that.

Diet: I was on a gluten free diet because of a possible diagnosis of celiac's disease. I went 6 months with out a touch of wheat! I wasn't seeing much of an improvement, and I had actually scheduled an appointment with new doctor to get some different opinions. At the same time I had stopped a medication I had been taking for a couple of years, and all of the sudden all my GI problems went away. It was the strangest thing, and it still doesn't make sense because I had been taken the med for a long time before I started having symptoms. ANYWAY, the important thing is I started eating gluten again it is going great. I don't think I will ever take wheat for granted again!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Work Update and a Broken Nose

My days at work have been getting better. Thank goodness! My days still fly by. I don't know how to explain it. I'm just in a constant busy state..and I'm constantly running out of time. And before I know it, its 6:00 and I'm scrambling to get my stuff done before shift change.

My patience was tested today and yesterday. I have had a patient who is constantly telling me that the Dr. has ordered certain medications/procedures, and I check the orders, and tell her that no, the MD didn't order that. Then she absolutely insists upon me calling the doctor, because he has "surely made a mistake" and he is a resident, and residents don't know any thing. I called the doctor (bless his heart- he was very nice and understanding) on 4 separate occasions about 4 different things. It was beyond ridiculous. That is the only way I can explain it.

I think I broke my nose. Yes. Brad and I were playing basketball with our high school students on Wednesday, and Brad and I went after the ball at the same time. Brad rose up with the ball and his head met my nose. I heard it pop. I'm not sure if that means it fractured...but it is (still ) swollen and a little bruised. It's so sore! I don't really want a xray because I know they won't do anything for it unless it needs to be reset...and i don't think it is crooked or least I hope not.

Monday, August 16, 2010

On My Own: Day 2

Today was my second day on my own. Today made yesterday seem like a blissful day in heaven. I can pretty much tell you about my day by telling you my lunch break was at 5pm and I only had time to eat a granola bar.

Yes that is right. Today I arrived at work at 6:30 am, took 5 minutes at 5pm to avoid slipping into a coma, and clocked out at 8:46pm. My sweet, sweet husband met me at Amigo's for 75 cent taco night. I self medicated with a Dr. Pepper. That seemed to take the edge off. ;)

I had six patients today. I felt like I was in a tornado. Hard to explain. It's like one of my dreams when I have a ton of patients and they all need me and I can't get to them. I have to stop myself and say: First I will go to my pt with a blood sugar of 35 [no seriously, this is a true story] and once I pull some Dextrose, give it, and make sure my patient doesn't go unconscious, I can go to my patient that is having chest pain at a level of 9 out of 10 and give him morphine. Then I can go to my next patient and explain why her MD discontinued all of her pain medicine. FUN! Then I can start my assessments (which is what I was supposed to be doing this entire time) and maybe chart some.

But really, I am loving my job. I truly love to help people. And I hate to pass up my patient with horrible sharp chest pain to help another patient, but I am really only one person. I don't like days like today because I feel like I don't get to do everything I need to do for my patients. I don't get to teach them about their condition, I don't get to talk to them about their concerns, I don't get to talk to them about their family, and I don't get to walk with them in the hallway. I just do what I can. One day I hope to eat at normal times, have bathroom breaks, and be able to spend time with my that too much to ask?!? :) Probably. :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I had a great day at work today. It seems like I'm always talking about work. I just want to remember how I was feeling during my first year of nursing. I'm getting more and more comfortable with the idea of being on my own. Which is a good thing because tomorrow is my last day of having a preceptor. Yikes! My preceptor has been great. He has taught me a lot and doesn't make me feel like a complete idiot.
I made my first medication error a few weeks ago. I gave 8 units of Insulin instead of 4. I knew what the blood sugar was that i was covering; I was even looking right at the sliding scale. But somehow my eyes drifted to the next level and I gave twice as much. It was horrible. Well....the mistake ended up not being horrible. Her blood sugar only dropped to 131. But I was so mad at myself. I am so careful when I give meds. I was so upset that it happened. I was holding back tears until Michael, my preceptor, was trying to tell me it was no big deal. Then I started crying. I'm not sure which was more embarrassing...making the mistake or crying in front of people. I had to file a report online, and tell my shift leader. Of course everyone was telling me that everyone will make mistakes, but it didn't help.

Anyway, so on Aug 15 i start on my own. I'm not as nervous as I thought I'd be.

We have a lot going on right now. Lots of youth events, a few weddings coming up, classes through the hospital, and a trip to Indiana in a few weeks. I hope I can start blogging more often.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I can't believe time is passing so quickly. In just a few more weeks I will be on my own. Yikes. There is so much still to learn! I am finally starting to feel like I am getting the hang of things. I am still pretty nervous when I have to call a doctor or when a family member asks me a question I don't know the answer to. I still feel like I am behind all day, and I am rushing to get things wrapped up in time for shift change...and I am usually leaving 30-45 minutes late. On Saturday I actually sat down for about 20 minutes and I didn't have anything to do. It was an odd feeling.

We went to Dollywood on Tuesday with the middle school students. It was so crowded, but we had fun. I rained toward the end of the day, so we got rain checks and we are going back next tuesday.

I've been on a gluten free diet for about 3 weeks now. Not seeing much of a difference. I don't know if I'm happy or sad about that. Happy because maybe it's not Celiac's Disease. Sad because if it was Celiac's Disease at least I would be in controll of fixing it....and if it's not CD...then what is it? I finally found a GF bread that is kind of normal. It's $6 for a small loaf, but I think I will try to make some croutons and bread crumbs out of it. I'm not much of a sandwich eater anyway. I want to try to make one new recipe per week, but our schedule has been so busy we haven't had much time. We have made GF Crepes, GF mac and cheese, GF cornbread, and Shepard's pie (which is normally GF, but I found a awesome recipe for a crock pot).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Last night I made a bean soup and cooked it in the crock pot over night. This morning when I woke up, I went downstairs to pack some for my luch. I got a quick taste and as a result got what might be a 3rd degree burn on the roof of my mouth.

I knew it was going to be a bad day.

Actually the whole day wasn't bad. Only the beginning and the end. Work was ok at first. I have felt kind of overwhelmed this week. I started out orientation with one patient. The next week I was supposed to have two patients. Well, that week I was actually only on the floor one of those days and the other days we had orientation/computer training classes. So then I went on vacation for a week, and when I cam back...BAM...I had 3 patients, and today I had 4. Of course I am still under a preceptor, but I am expected to do most everything on my own. I thought I was doing ok today, we discharged one patient and then got another one a couple of hours later. My first admission. (Which by the way, I can't believe I've gone this long without doing one!) Anyway, it was like 30 minutes before shift change.. and there were several things I hadn't completed on my other charts. Poor time management on my part for sure! I was running around like a crazy person, asking a bazillion questions, probably driving all the other nurses crazy. Long story short, I left feeling like a frustrated a couple of nurses, and I left without finishing everything I should have. What a bad nurse I am.

So tonight I made brownies. Gluten free brownies. That's right I'm back on the gluten free diet. Hooray. :/